
Showing posts from March, 2011

Store membership roles in SQL Server

Setting up membership roles is a breeze, but if you want to use SQL server to handle the authentication you need to make a few changes. After looking up the syntax repeatedly, I decided to create a mini step by step that includes what changes need to be made in the web.config, the sql permissions and how to set up users / roles. Assumptions: You have a working Visual Studio project and a SQL server connection working. Using: Visual Studio 2008 / 3.5 project SQL Server: 2005 Step 1 From the command line (running as administrator) From: Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ aspnet_regsql.exe -E -S lrswsqlt1 -d  databasename -A all -sqlexportonly c:\membership.sql Step 2 In SQL Server Execute the SQL created in c:\membership.sql GRANT EXECUTE TO  dbuser Step 3 Modify the web.config (This assumes you already have a working sql connection string in place) Under the <machineKey... tag /> <authentication mode="Forms"> <forms cookieless="Use...