
Showing posts from October, 2008

My response to "The top 5 reasons why Windows Vista failed"

I just finished reading Jason Hiner's article on ZDNet titled "The top 5 reasons why Windows Vista failed." While I have plenty of criticism for Microsoft, I couldn't help but think what an incredibly biased article this was. You can read the article here: Either Jason Hiner fell off his rocker or he is cleverly trying to create the perception that Windows Vista is this horrible thing. 5. Apple successfully demonized Vista Sure Apple has done a great job with their ads, but why are you comparing Apple ads to the demise of Vista? You only show the Enterprise adoption rates which are ALWAYS slow and I am quite certain were impacted very little by Apple. I think if you compare the consumer markets you might have a more accurate idea of what is really happening.   4. Windows XP is too entrenched. I agree, but is this a surprise for an OS that has been around since 2001? Micros...